Our innovative formula supports motivation and focus, thanks to a combination of phellodendron bark powder and a special neurologically active form of vitamin B12. Together, these nutrients protect your brain cells from cellular stress and encourage healthy dopamine levels, promoting concentration and helping you stay focused on your task at hand.
Dopamine is key to feeling good and motivated. Dopamine Advantage helps ensure your brain has enough to go around.
Dopamine Advantage Benefits
Dopamine Advantage is our latest brain health formula. It is designed to support motivation and focus by combining phellodendron bark powder with a special neurologically active form of vitamin B12. Together, these nutrients protect your brain cells from cellular stress and encourage healthy dopamine levels, promoting healthy mood, concentration and helping you stay focused on your task at hand.
Maintaining healthy dopamine levels
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter or brain chemical that’s produced in your brain and released into synaptic clefts, the microscopic spaces between your neurons, to relay signaling information from one neuron to the next. Unfortunately, factors such as nutrition, aging, environmental changes and stress can cause a decline in dopamine levels, affecting cognitive performance, motivation and can even lead to a wide variety of health issues. Both of the nutrients in our brain-friendly formula maintain youthful dopamine levels in the brain by actively binding to enzymes that binds to and breaks down dopamine; by inhibiting these enzymes’ activity, there’s more dopamine available to the brain.
Phellodendron bark and MAO-B
Phellodendron amurense, commonly known as amur cork tree, has many health benefits, including neuroprotective properties. In a detailed 2016 screening study, Phellodendron amurense ranked as one of the most potent extracts for inhibiting the activity of monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B), an enzyme involved in the metabolism of dopamine.
Adenosylcobalamin and LRRK2
Adenosylcobalamin is a neurologically active form of vitamin B12—it can cross the brain-blood barrier and it’s more readily available to the brain. A 2019 study showed vitamin B12 also protects the brain from oxidative stress and that it modulates Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2’s (LRRK2) activity, an enzyme that regulates dopamine levels. Add Dopamine Advantage to your daily regimen and “motivate” your brain to stay sharp and focused.
Растительная целлюлоза (капсула), мальтодекстрин, растительный стеарат, диоксид кремния.
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Продукт содержит ингредиенты, которые могут оказывать негативное воздействие на репродуктивную систему. Законопроект 65 штата Калифорния.
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